Useful numbers

Road Conditions Call Centre – Tronco A6

The phone line of the Road Conditions Call Centre is open:


24 hours a day
7 days a week
Call costs from both mobile phones and landlines will depend on your operator.


In the event of breakdowns, faults or accidents on the Autostrada dei Fiori – tronco A6 drivers can use the SOS stations to call the Radio Room operators, who will activate the following services:

ACI 803 116
Europe Assistance – Vai 803 803 
Soccorso Meccanico IMA 800 613 613 

Autostrada dei Fiori – tronco A6 authorises breakdown operators with the requirements laid out in the applicable legislation to provide breakdown services.
In the event of an accident, vehicles broken down on the road or in an emergency lane of width less than 3 metres, the operators are contractually obliged to respect the response times of 20 minutes for light vehicles and 30 minutes for heavy vehicles.