
Le 1er novembre 2017, Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A. a incorporé Autostrada Torino-Savona S.p.A.
Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A gère la A6 Torino Savona et la A10 Savona Vintimille (frontière française).

L’histoire de Autostrada dei Fiori SpA

La constitution de la Société « Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A. » remonte au 30 juillet 1960.La première Convention de concession de l’ANAS a été passée en février 1963. La Société s’est fixée pour objectifs la conception, la construction et l’exploitation de l’autorosute Ponte S. Luigi – Savone (selon la définition de l’époque), ainsi que d’autres autoroutes et routes extra-urbaines.

La conception a été menée à bien entre 1962 et 1966. La pose de la première pierre, le 12 février 1965, a été suivie par la phase complexe de construction, qui s’est achevée en 1971. Les premiers tronçons autoroutiers ont été mis en service le 13 juillet 1969, et l’exploitation complète remonte au 6 novembre 1971.

La parcelle Savone/Vintimille (frontière française) de la l’axe directeur A10 Gênes/Vintimille, de 113,3 km, a été construite dans de très brefs délais, compte tenu de l’ampleur des travaux. Étant donné l’orographie du territoire, elle compte non moins de 90 viaducs et 67 tunnels : le tracé est doté à ce jour de 11 aires de service et de 8 parcs de stationnement, dont 3 équipés d’aires de repos avec espaces verts (Piccaro Nord, Feglino Sud et Gorleri Sud). Le coût initial fixé à 118 milliards (1963) s’est monté en fin de compte à 271 milliards (1973).

L’échéance de la 1ère concession fut fixée au 2 novembre 2003. Une Convention complémentaire a été signée, le 9 juin 1992, visant au renforcement de certaines connexions entre la voirie ordinaire et l’infrastructure autoroutière. Conformément à ses engagements, la Société a construit les liaisons avec Vintimille, San Remo et Albenga moyennant des interventions financières importantes. Elle a alors obtenu la première prolongation de la concession jusqu’au 31 décembre 2013.

Lors de la révision, le 27 juillet 1999, la Concessionnaire et l’Administration des ponts et chaussées (ANAS) ont passé une nouvelle Convention de concession fixant désormais l’échéance au 30 novembre 2021. Le 2 septembre 2009, Autostrada dei Fiori a signé le nouveau projet de Convention Unique avec l’Administration des ponts et chaussées (ANAS), qui est entrée en vigueur à la signature de l’Acte de transposition des prescriptions du Cipe, le 13 mai 2010.
La date d’échéance de la Concession demeure fixée au  30 novembre 2021.

L’histoire de Torino Savona SpA

In the early 1950s, the SPASIS (Società per Azioni Sviluppo Iniziative Stradali) road initiatives development company drew up preliminary plans for a motorway to link Turin with the Ligurian coast.

On 18 April 1956, ANAS granted approval to build the Savona-Ceva motorway section.

On 5 June 1956 the “Autostrada Ceva Savona S.p.A.” motorway company was set up, with shareholders FIAT, Istituto San Paolo and Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, Pirelli, Michelin, UNICEM, Cokitalia, City and Province of Turin, Unione Industriale and Turin-Milan.

On 31 October 1962, a convention was drawn up with ANAS (the second) for the Ceva-Fossano section.

In the spring of 1968, shortly before the concession was formalised with ANAS (the third in order of time) for the construction and operation of the Fossano-Turin section, the company took on its new and final name of “Autostrada Torino Savona S.p.A.”.

On 21 December 1972 the new convention was signed with ANAS (summarising and replacing the three previous ones), which became operational in October 1973.

On 31 December 1980, FIAT transferred to FITUR S.p.A. (a subsidiary company) its entire shareholding. FIAT’s exit came shortly before the event which, a short time later, would mark a turning point in the history of the Turin-Savona motorway.

On 12 August 1982, article 11 of Italian Law 531/82, “Ten-year roads and motorway reorganisation plan”, authorised the “Autostrade” company, the large company of the IRI group, to buy out the shares in the Turin-Savona motorway at a price of 50% of their face value.

On 31 December 1982, FITUR S.p.A. transferred its entire holding to SADIP S.p.A.(Società Azionaria di Partecipazioni), and between January and February 1983, all share holdings were transferred to “Autostrade S.p.A.”, with the important exception of the Turin-Milan motorway, and of the City of Turin, whose minority holding exists to this day.

With the historic core of shareholders dissolved, it now came to the Autostrade company to put into place the most appropriate strategies to turn around the Turin-Savona motorway.

Between 1983 and 1987, while the required capital adjustments were being prepared, ANAS and the public bodies concerned – the Region of Piedmont, the Region of Liguria, the Government Cultural and Environmental Assets Protection Department – were performing the studies necessary to finalise the plans for doubling up the entire motorway.

On 27 January 1988, the new agreement was signed with ANAS, prepared in the form of an “Additional act“ to the convention of 1972.
The new agreement extended the concession from 2007 to 2018, and specified that state financial support would be 68% of the investment necessary to construct the second carriageway and for the improvement works to the existing infrastructure, with the shareholder Autostrade covering the rest.

The designs for the work were drawn up by SPEA.

Completion of this doubling up work was set as an absolute priority for the Turin-Savona motorway.

Italian Law 121/89 on the 1990 World Cup, coordinated with Italian Law 373/88 on the “Colombo ’92″ expo to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, had introduced particular provisions for the performance of public works connected with these events.
The Turin-Savona motorway took advantage of this to obtain consent from ANAS for the doubling up of lot 1, south of the Carmagnola barrier, where there had been for some time a section of carriageway parallel to the motorway, which FIAT had used as a test track for its vehicles.

In 1991, the motorway obtained this test track from FIAT.

On 9 March 2000, the Ministry of the Treasury, which through the IRI group held all the Autostrade shares, transferred its controlling share to the private group which holds it to this day, while the rest of the shares were placed on the stock market.

Nothing had changed for the Turin-Savona share structure, but the privatisation of the virtually sole shareholder required, and continues to do so, involvement in new development strategies.

In spring of the same year, the Turin-Savona motorway came out of its historic isolation from the Italian motorway network, by the connection at Savona with the motorways of the Ligurian coast.
Still in spring of 2000, definitive approval was given to the new concession agreement, already signed with ANAS in December 1999, replacing all previous agreements.
A new financial plan, relating to extension of the concession from 2018 to 2038, now allows the Turin-Savona motorway to implement all its development plans, from concluding the doubling up work to the extensive series of investments dedicated to safety, improvement and adaptation of the many sections of “historical” carriageway, and to the installation of modern and efficient telecommunications installations.

Finally, on 12 November 2001, the goal which had been pursued by the motorway with such determination since the 1970s was reached:
completion of the doubling up work.

On 15 November 2012, the shareholding held by Autostrade per l’Italia was transferred to the SIAS group.