Tronco A6 Torino-Savona
Autostrada dei Fiori is the company that manages, under concession, the motorway infrastructure that connects the piedmontese capital with the western Liguria, near Savona, and its main ports for a total length of about 124 kilometers. Go to A6 »

Tronco A10 Savona-Ventimiglia (confine francese)
Autostrada dei Fiori is the company that manages, under concession, the Savona - Ventimiglia motorway section.
The route develops through the territory of the Liguria region for 113.3 Km. Go to A10 »

Payments online

With the Online Payments tool on the ADF website, you can pay any unpaid tolls referring to the Turin-Savona and Savona-Ventimiglia (French border)

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Take the wheel of your own life! Choose to drive responsibly!